Monday, October 29, 2007

My Life Right Now

The Queenstown post is coming soon - I'm just waiting for pictures from Andrew. Needless to say, it was great. More importantly, in my remaining two or so weeks here, here's a look at my daily routine:
  • Wake up around noon; shower and make eggs for breakfast.
  • Head to Gardie's, a sports bar near campus, at 1; watch the Red Sox dominate while having Speight's and wedges.
  • Walk down to Pat and Rob's flat on Castle St. (middle of the student flats); have a BBQ with a bunch of friends, enjoy frisbee and Speight's.
  • Play poker, win my $5 buy-in back.
Now I'm sure maybe a few of you are wondering, 'Wait, that's too specific to be a routine!' Well, it's what I did today, and will do tomorrow, so that's enough to me. Also, you may claim, how is this experiencing study abroad culture at all? Well when you're a 'Scarfie' on a beautiful spring day during finals, this is what you do. And it can't be beat.

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