Monday, August 6, 2007

Photos, etc.

So I've kinda caved and posted some of my photos on Google's Picasa Web Albums. I put almost all of my photos up on Facebook, so if you've got an account you can see those here. Since I only put select pics up in my blog posts, I figured it would be good to give those who aren't on FB a chance to see them. To see my albums, just go to the right-hand column in my blog and click on the album you want to see. I didn't upload at the highest quality, so if you want to see them better, just leave a comment or shoot me an email. I've only put up my orientation photos so far, so expect more in the next week or so.

I've also put up most of my best landscape photos and panoramas from the last couple years (or at least the best I've been able to do with my camera) on Panoramio, which is a website also owned by Google. While both this and Picasa allow you to map where your photos are taken, Panoramio is made specifically so the photos will be shared on Google Earth (Google Maps, too) - if you're on Google Earth and have the 'geographic web' box checked off, as you zoom in on a location, you'll see little dots pop up representing pictures of that site. Pretty handy, I think. Anyway, you can see those pictures in traditional layout here, or you can see them mapped out here (my favorite spot is California).

And finally yes, I know many of you may have been confused, but that championship curler you see in the picture below is indeed, me.

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