Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dunedin photos up, first time driving

Yes, Dunners means Dunedin. That album title may change, though. Check them out below or to the right.
From Dunners
Other random things...
  • The weather's been teasing me. I bought a used tent from someone in the Tramping Club after Bushball, which was almost a couple weeks ago now, and it was a little wet after the tramp. Every time I go to the backyard to set it up or hang it to dry, though, it'll be nice out for about 5 hours, then promptly rain. My luck may be changing though, since it looks like upper 50s and no rain for the next few days...but weather forecasts here are notoriously awful.
  • I drove for the first time here! It was totally bizarre. KC and I borrowed our friends' Pat and Rob's car (a beat-up Honda named Pam, after the ubiquitous supermarket brand) to drive to South Dunedin to the cheapest supermarket around, Pak 'n' Save. Staying to the left wasn't the weird thing though...the pedals are actually even the same setup. The hardest part was the directional signal lever being on the right and wipers on the left (I don't think washing your windshield means 'I'm turning left') and I barely even used my mirrors - especially the rear view - because I couldn't find them quickly. Also, there's no turn on red and if you're turning left while oncoming traffic is turning right (onto the same road), the oncoming traffic gets the right of way...weird, I know.
  • There are some extraordinarily bad American shows on Kiwi television. Among other shows that don't air in the States anymore (and I hadn't heard of before anyway): Medical Investigation, Summerland, Love, Inc., and Dr. Phil - it should be off the air, anyway. Of course with just 4 channels, there's not much else to watch during lunch...
  • Speaking of, I made the best lunch ever today: ham, egg and grilled cheese. I wish I were this motivated at home...

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