Tuesday, September 4, 2007

...and I'm spent

Hey hey! So as you, my many faithful readers, may have noticed, I never really got around to posting at all while I was out on MSB (that's mid-semester break, for the uninitiated) since I was busy having the time of my life. Because of that, I've got heaps of stuff to say/show from break, but obviously no one wants that in one post, so I'm going to post stuff about break in chunks, maybe one for each stop or two that we made along our epic journey.

I'm working on sorting through my 400-plus pictures that I took too, and will be putting them up as my time, bandwidth and patience allow. I've got a couple papers due in the next week, so obviously I'll be procrastinating by putting up as much stuff as I can.

In other news, I'm fighting the urge to be jealous of everyone going back to Pomona, and seeing everyone again...then again, it's a lot easier to do when the highs have been 110 degrees. You read that right.

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