Thursday, June 28, 2007

10 hours down...

...out of 35. It actually hasn't been too bad, since I was able to sleep on the plane for once. I hope the don't mind drool on the pillows too much though...

LAX is an alright airport, I guess. You have to take buses from terminal to terminal though, and with 3 pieces of luggage that are all best carried on your shoulders (two backpacks and a duffel) I was a little perturbed.

The flight from Cleveland gave me some nice views of the midwest (an oxymoron?), so I had to be super-touristy and snap a few photos. As the ground is so boring, I thought the clouds were coolest.I'll spare you the rest, be rest assured I was trying hard to figure out if I was looking at a cold front or not. The Grand Canyon looked great, without a cloud in the sky, so I pieced this panorama together:Finally my favorite, just before we landed in LA. It made me feel a bit melancholy, since I was so, so close. Hopefully some of you will recognize it.Well, long day ahead of me. Skype me, I should be around. Either that or hitting it up with kids in my program, they'll be around soon I think.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A general welcome

So this here's my blog. I know it's corny. I even hurt a little on the inside when I say out loud that I have such a thing. But I don't really like mass emails, and I figured this is an unobtrusive way to share my travels and thoughts with those who care to know. I may decide to publish some or all of the posts to Facebook too, but we'll see about that. Feel free to comment to your heart's extent, and let me know what you think.

End of the Line

The title isn't supposed to sound depressing; rather, it's more about the fact that I have the Traveling Wilburys song stuck in my head. It's pretty awesome, you may recognize it from the Knocked Up trailer.

ANYWAY, that doesn't have anything to do with anything, except that I leave home in about 30 hours. I have (thank god) made significant progress since my first post - I got a great 5000 cu. in. backpack from EMS. We'll see how that holds up when I actually try packing all of my crap later. The bigger news, of course, is I know where I'll be living for the semester. I'll be at 687 Cumberland St (the green arrow on the map). For some perspective, my flat is about 6 1/2 blocks from the Octagon (lower left), the center of city life, and literally across the street from the University. On the map (which is a little blurry) the school is the block of larger buildings without streets going through it, just east of the green arrow.

According the email I got about housing, I'll be living with 1-2 Kiwis (and no, I can't just throw them away if they're bad - I've already heard that joke before) along with 2-3 study abroad students. I haven't heard from anyone living with me yet (nor do I have their contact info) so I can only hope that it goes as well as the day I got to Pomona and saw that I had a roommate - not a single - who also happened to be from Texas and have a weird-ass name. Turned out to be the best thing that could've happened for me!

Some other predeparture info:
  • I have Skype, and you all should too. If sitting in front of your computer and talking isn't your thing, I've got SkypeIn, which means I have a regular, U.S. phone number that anyone can call (like any other normal number) and if I'm signed on, it'll ring on my computer and I can talk to you. If I'm not online (or worse, don't like you) it'll just go to my voicemail and I can listen to it later. Even better, if I want to harass people, I can call your phones too. I like. I guess it would be nice to give my number: (802) 659-4786. And no, that's not a coincidence.
  • On a related note, I will not have my cell phone in NZ. I might get one there, but it won't be the same, so don't bother calling me on that number. Keep it though, I'll use it again with I get back.
  • I don't know for sure whether my address above is my mailing address too, so until I say so, I wouldn't send anything there (not that I'm expecting you to or anything).
Since I do want to do something in relation to the title, I'll leave you with this picture I took at Sumner Falls in North Hartland today, with Mary and Amy. There are waterfalls there, and I thought this little one was cool. (Click for full size)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

At home

Note: Yes, I admit that I posted this weeks before anyone even knew about this blog. I think we can all learn from this and move on. -6/25

Well, I'm at home now, working in Preservation Services at the Dartmouth College Library. It's a pretty sweet gig, especially compared to my former job at Quizno's. I have (functioning) AC, no pressure, no one depending on me, and all of the glue I desire.

It's a great thing that I have a laid-back job, too, because I don't think I could otherwise handle the fact that I'm leaving for New Zealand 3 weeks from today. Among things for me to figure out:
  • where I'm living
  • what to pack
  • what to buy
Sound vague? Of course it is. As far as living, I'm waiting for my program to let me know where my flat will be and who my flatmates are. With any luck, it'll be somewhere near The Octagon, which is pretty clearly the center of the city. As far as packing, I guess that depends on what I buy - I need to get some sort of pack - but the number of choices feels daunting.

As much as it may sound like I'm complaining about all of this, I'm actually really, really excited about the trip to NZ. I just have nothing better to do. The Sox blow right now; they're down 3-0 in the 6th against the A's - I blame Dan Johnson:

And there you have it.