Thursday, June 7, 2007

At home

Note: Yes, I admit that I posted this weeks before anyone even knew about this blog. I think we can all learn from this and move on. -6/25

Well, I'm at home now, working in Preservation Services at the Dartmouth College Library. It's a pretty sweet gig, especially compared to my former job at Quizno's. I have (functioning) AC, no pressure, no one depending on me, and all of the glue I desire.

It's a great thing that I have a laid-back job, too, because I don't think I could otherwise handle the fact that I'm leaving for New Zealand 3 weeks from today. Among things for me to figure out:
  • where I'm living
  • what to pack
  • what to buy
Sound vague? Of course it is. As far as living, I'm waiting for my program to let me know where my flat will be and who my flatmates are. With any luck, it'll be somewhere near The Octagon, which is pretty clearly the center of the city. As far as packing, I guess that depends on what I buy - I need to get some sort of pack - but the number of choices feels daunting.

As much as it may sound like I'm complaining about all of this, I'm actually really, really excited about the trip to NZ. I just have nothing better to do. The Sox blow right now; they're down 3-0 in the 6th against the A's - I blame Dan Johnson:

And there you have it.

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